Professional development

Dr. Friend works with professionals in schools, school districts, regional, state, and national agencies and organizations, state departments of education, and other groups to design and deliver professional development for general and special education teachers, administrators, related service personnel, early childhood educators, paraprofessionals, and other educators. Topics include co-teaching, specially designed instruction, inclusive practices, collaboration, consultation and coaching, team building, and other topics related to how the people who work in schools or education can build, strengthen, and sustain productive working relationships.


In additional to providing professional development, Dr. Friend works in schools, districts, and other agencies and organizations to help them develop and implement inclusive practices, create co-teaching programs, design sustainable service systems for students with disabilities, and problem solve when dilemmas have arisen.

Program evaluation

When programs or services are about to be re-designed or after changes have been made, an evaluation of program effectiveness is essential. Dr. Friend has considerable experience assisting schools and districts to analyze practices, examine the process and outcomes of their special education services, and identify themes that lead to recommendations for program improvement.

If you are interested in arranging professional development, consulting, or arranging program evaluation with Dr. Friend, contact her at:


Co-Teach! A handbook for creating and sustaining classroom partnerships in inclusive schools.