Friend, M. (2019). Co-Teach! Building and sustaining effective classroom partnerships in inclusive schools (3rd edition). (NOTE: Also available in Danish and Japanese)
If you are looking for a teacher-friendly book that is a comprehensive guide for creating sustaining and refining co-teaching, this is the resource you need. It covers the basics of co-teaching, the rationale for it, the roles and responsibilities of the teachers, the six co-teaching approaches, classroom logistics, and the other matters that must be addressed for co-teaching to succeed, including finding and effectively using planning and scheduling. The information presented is research-based and reflect contemporary thinking about the importance of specially designed instruction in co-teaching.

Friend, M., & Barron, T. (2020). Specially Designed Instruction in Co-Teaching: Maximizing Student Outcomes by Intensifying Teaching and Learning
After co-teaching is understood as a service delivery option, after professionals form strong partnerships, and after logistics have been addressed, there is still more to achieving the greatest impact from co-teaching. What constitutes effective instruction in a co-taught class? How should IEP goals be embedded into the general curriculum? That is the focus for this book, intended to complement the other books in this series by focusing on the most essential part of improving student outcomes K-12 -– that is, evidence-based strategies required for students with disabilities particularly suited to the co-taught classroom.
Available: November 2019
Other Books and Materials by Marilyn Friend
From National Professional Resources
Available at
The Power of Two series, produced by Dr. Leonard Burrello and directed by Mr. Jotham Burrello of Elephant Rock Productions, includes four videos that explain and demonstrate how to create, build, sustain, and evaluate co-teaching as part of inclusive education. Narrated by Marilyn Friend, these are the video titles with a brief explanation and intended audience for each:

Power of Two: Including Students through Co-Teaching (3rd edition) (2016)
This video is an updated version of the co-teaching classic Power of Two. It is divided into clear section so that it can be shown as part of professional development sessions and includes extensive footage of real classrooms with teachers and student who co-teach every day. The video retains the fundamental co-teaching concepts and the six approaches, but it also adds more information about effective instruction for students with disabilities and co-teaching as a service option for students learning English.

More Power: Instruction in Co-Taught Classrooms (2010)
This video, for those already familiar with co-teaching basics, presents seven key dimensions of effective instructional practices across K-12 settings: assessment and planning; content, materials, and instruction; the instructional environment; the presentation of instruction; student participation; the evaluation of student performance; and adult interactions. Filmed in classrooms K-12, the video demonstrates how evidence- based practices can be incorporated into co-taught lessons. A brief review of the six co-teaching approaches is included as well.

Instructional Power: Co-Teachers Share Instructional Techniques (2010)
Professionals are always looking for ideas to enhance instruction in their co-taught classes. This video includes a collection of simple yet effective strategies to improve K-12 student engagement and participation. You can use these ideas in both co-taught and solo-taught classes.

Releasing the Power! District and School-Based Leaders on Inclusive Schooling and Co-Teaching (2010)
In this video, district leaders, principals, and other site leaders share how the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools went about a very deliberate process for building inclusive practices and implementing co-teaching as part of that philosophical shift. These dedicated professionals explain, in frank terms, the level of commitment it takes, and the decision-making processes involved in change the culture of a large urban school district and implementing inclusive practices in over 150 schools with diverse students and staff members.

Co-Teaching: Strategies to Improve Student Outcomes (2019)
Perhaps you are looking for a condensed, no-frills summary of co-teaching. This recently updated quick-reference laminated guide might be what you want. It summarizes key concepts related to co-teaching for students with disabilities and those learning English. In a straightforward way it outlines the what, why, and how of co-teaching.

Co-Teaching and Technology: Enhancing Communication and Collaboration (2016)
Many co-teachers find that technology is an essential resource. They rely on technology for collaborative planning, for implementing instruction tailored to student needs, to document student progress, and to increase student engagement, especially as they work independently. This quick-reference guide highlights many examples of technology that can enhance co-teaching. Expediting co-planning.

Including Students with Special Needs: A Practical Guide for Classroom Teachers (8th edition) (Pearson, 2019)
Written with Dr. William Bursuck, this book is the one that more colleges and universities throughout the world use than any other to teach general educators how to meet the needs of students with disabilities or other special needs in their classrooms. It is focused on the practical, filled with case studies and vignettes, and designed to provide educators across grade levels with the most current information to guide their practices, with or without co teaching.

Interactions: Collaboration Skills for School Professionals (9th edition) (Pearson, 2021)
This book is considered the bible of collaboration for school professionals. It is the most widely used book to teach these skills, and it is valuable for teacher candidates, veteran teachers, related services personnel, and administrators. Each concept is illustrated with detailed examples, and the situations outlined are those common for today’s educators. NOTE: In production, available Winter 2020.

Special Education: Contemporary Perspectives for School Professionals (5th edition) (Pearson, 2018)
This book is an overview of the field of special education, but it is much more than that. By presenting case studies at the beginning of each chapter as well as incorporating interviews with parents of children with disabilities, individuals with disabilities, and professionals who work with individuals with disabilities, readers learn about the conceptual and procedural requirements of the field but also about the real stories of real people, including the joys as well as the challenges of their lives.
Co-Teach! A handbook for creating and sustaining classroom partnerships in inclusive schools.